Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Graphic Design area of Coverage

Cody Barger Hello, my name is Cody Barger. I am a Public Relations major, but the real focus I have for my future lies in my minor Graphic Communications. I want to work in the art and design industry when I graduate from Murray State. Drawling and making things come to life when everything around me seemed dull and boring is always what kept me entertained when I was young and it carried through all the way into my adult life. I hope to one day work in the graphic design and art industry and manage a blog for other graphic designers to contribute to. Having other designers be able to send me their work and share and communicate with the world what is keeping everything looking nice and professional for businesses and advertisements in business.
I have linked these blogs to showcase my favorite, as well as the most popular graphic design/art blogs on the internet. These blogs help show what I envision for my future one day, if I play my cards right. The way we can make things look and come to life is purely subjective, but this is what powers the beast that is design. No one person can spin a design or graphic the same way as another and makes everyone's art one of a kind. This leads to people being known for their unique style on things and makes them different from all the other people. It also can show you a glimpse into the mind of each person. Why did they do this instead of that? Why did they use this color instead of that color? These things are what make art and graphic design so intriguing. This is why I hope to cover graphic design and art in my future. http://thedsgnblog.com/

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